Thanks from amsteelle overland

About us

Thank you for visiting AO! 


 We just want you to know how much appreciate your business! Every purchase from AO helps to support our family on all of our adventures, which in return helps us come up with new products for you guys.


Who we are!

We are a family-of-four owned business, that loves to go on adventures.  Whether it's overlanding or just camping out in our driveway, we always find a way to keep things interesting and one with nature.  A long time ago, amsteelle, which is known as AO today, started out as a photography business, and eventually ended up forging into what it is today. As we grow, I want to be able to share what we have with other people that have the same interest and simultaneously being able to support our excursion's. And that's why Amsteelle Overland is what it is today. We are not another big time company, out to make money. We as a family wanted to be able to go off exploring while still being able to provide, and having more time together, rather than working a regular 9 to 5 job, and spending only the weekends on our own. Although AO is technically a retail online store, we are mainly just here to get what we love out there to people, and come up with new ways to make it easier for others to keep doing what they love to do.


What is AO?

AO is an overlanding/ off-road company that specializes in apparel and products, with new merchandise added often inspired by every new adventure we encounter. We sell not only apparel, but gear as well, to help people that like to be out camping, overlanding, or whatever it is to get around. We will be keeping everyone updated on all our progress and new materials, so please follow on Facebook, and make sure to subscribe to stay informed!   Please note we DO NOT send spam etc. When you subscribe, you will only be sent emails about NEW products being added to the site, upcoming events, such as meet- ups with other outlining enthusiasts, and of course discounts! 

*** Because of the world's state of pandemic, any meet and greets/ events will, of course, require socially distancing and keeping it safe. Nonetheless, with all that is going on, please do not say no to any adventures! The outside is the best place to be as long as you follow local quidlines.  


Upcoming meet-ups/ events!

"All upcoming events will be sent out to everyone who has Subcribed on our site or is currently following us on Facebook. A link to our Facebook page can be found below and on our main page. You must also be a subscriber/ follower to join us on our meet ups." 

Whether you are into camping, are an expert overlander, or this is your very first time. We want you to come on out and join us! We will of course be staying socially distant and keeping it safe. The plan is to get as many people out as we can. If you are unsure whether you want to attend that is fine! Never say no to a one night trip somewhere because sometimes the best trips are the ones not planned. If you have any questions regarding upcoming meet ups feel free to reach out. We will be posting events on our Facebook page, so please join if you haven't already to stay updated.